Nell has been performing professionally since graduating from Goldsmiths College. She has performed with theatre companies for 12 years touring all around the world – from the Blackpool Grand to the Sydney Opera House; all over the UK, Ireland, Eastern and Western Europe, Australia and in all sorts of spaces and places in-between.

Recent work includes stories told at British Museum, Hampton Court Palace, Royal Opera House, Newlon Housing Estate, Rich Mix, Blast Storytelling club, Earthouse Cranbourne, Fireside Festival, Highgrove, Hackney Library, Kensington Palace and for NTS Live, Dalston’s cool digital radio station.
She also creates unique stories for charities and companies; commissions incl. Hampton Court Palace, V&A, British Museum, 40 Winks Bedtime Stories, World Wildlife Fund, Arts for Human Rights, After Adoption, Radley Handbags and Selfridges.

She has told hundreds of stories to thousands of school children, 3-19 years old, in the UK, India, Colombia, Mexico and China. Nell performed at the Nivesh Festival, Delhi 2013, and was part of the ICELT (Arts in Education) Conference in Malaysia 2015. She is Patron of Reading at Belmont Primary School in Haringey, encouraging the students connect with all things story.

Teaching storytelling, improvisation and devising skills is a key part of Nell’s work. She runs courses, weekly classes and workshops for all ages. She has run sessions for students, teachers, librarians, priests, would-be and developing storytellers.

She is Artistic Director of StoryNight at Torriano, Kentish Town's thriving performance storytelling clubs for adults. Nell is a passionate promoter of storytelling as a contemporary performance art. 

What if our education systems were to insist that teachers be poets and storytellers and artists? What transformations would follow?

Matthew Fox

There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.

Ursula K. LeGuin