[Here are] some of the sketches that Y4 drew – inspired by your wonderful storytelling! Thank you for sharing your stories with our children, as you can see from the photos, they thoroughly enjoyed your visit. We hope to see you again in the near future!

Judith Kelly Communications Manager, Christchurch School March 2016

We were at the ROH on Sunday and our children really enjoyed your stories. LOVED them! As did we. It made me realise being told (rather than read) stories is all too rare, and there is something magical about it.

Royal Opera House, Feb 2016

With an utterly engaging intimate storytelling style, Nell balances beautifully the comedic and the magical.

Crick Crack Club

I was easily swept up in the lyrical, tragic moments that tripped off Nell’s tongue like water off the proverbial merman’s back

kistlou blog, audience member

Nell Phoenix has been regularly performing at our fabled Bedtime Story Nights for over five years, playing a hugely important role in making them one of the best reviewed events in the country. She is ALWAYS the first person we contact when we are scheduling new dates, and she is also our first choice for any bespoke events we are asked to do for high-profile corporate clients such as Charles Heidsieck Champagne or The Royal Exchange.

Nell is a natural performer with a rare gift to woo, tease, inspire and enchant an audience. She is a joy to work with, and I would highly recommend her to anyone who is programming events, or who simply wants to enjoy an evening brimming over with wild wit and gentle wisdom. Nell is an absolute star!!

David Carter 40 Winks Hotel London

Thanks so much for your mask workshop - it was great! I thought that you pitched the level really well and your organisation of the whole thing was inspiring...

Drama Teacher, Children's Theatre Workshop

May you keep on weaving the yarn of your mesmerising stories forever and ever...

Jaspreet Khan, British Council workshop, India


What if our education systems were to insist that teachers be poets and storytellers and artists? What transformations would follow?

Matthew Fox

There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.

Ursula K. LeGuin